Employee health

Cancer At Work (The Guardian: 31/10/2017)

The Ocean Road Cancer Institute projects more than 44,000 new cases of cancer per year in Tanzania. Cancer is a public health concern that will increase in importance over the next decade as diagnosis and treatments become more successful and as the population ages. Concurrently, the employment status of cancer patients and survivors has an important implication for organizations and

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Is It Stress, Anxiety or Depression? (The Guardian 24/10/2017)

Although anxiety, depression and work-related stress can be connected, they are different things. It is important to recognize that anxiety and depression are clinical health conditions, while stress is not. The World Health Organization defines work-related stress as: “The reaction people may have when presented with work demands and pressures that are not matched to their knowledge and abilities and

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Employee Assistance Program (The Guardian : 17/10/2017)

An employer-sponsored Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a work-based intervention program designed to identify and assist employees in resolving personal problems that may be affecting their performance at work.   EAPs provide needs assessment, help, counseling, and referrals for employees and their family members when faced with mental health or emotional issues. EAPs are available to assist the employee when he

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Why Physical Activity (The Guardian: 03/10/2017)

According to the Lancet, physical activity brings “a sense of purpose and value, a better quality of life, improved sleep, and reduced stress, as well as stronger relationships and social connectedness. Lack of physical activity is associated with increased risks of: Anxiety, stress, and depression Developing many preventable conditions, such as high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, colon

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Is your Company Prepared for NCDs (The Guardian: 19/09/2017)

NCDs refer to physical or mental health condition that lasts for long period of time and causes functional restrictions or requires ongoing monitoring and treatment such as heart disease, high blood pressure, asthma, anemia, diabetes, arthritis, cancer and mood disorders, among many others What causes and contributes to NCDs? Lack of exercise – A minimum of 150 minutes of moderate

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Is Your Workplace Fit? (The Guardian -12/09/2017)

Companies institute wellness programs in the workplace based on their belief that such programs will improve employee health, reduce medical costs, increase productivity, and raise retention rates. But does your program design take into account employee attitudes regarding health and the workplace, the challenges they face in following healthy lifestyles, and the program options most likely to motivate positive change?

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Is Your Workplace Heart Healthy? (The Guardian : 05/09/2017)

World Heart Day takes place on 29 September every year with a focus on creating heart healthy environments and encouraging us all to reduce our cardiovascular risk and promote heart-health at home, work and play.   This is an excellent time to take a look at the effects of cardiovascular disease and what can be done to maintain healthy hearts. Specialists

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What has Health Got to DO with Smart Cities? (The Guardian : 29/08/2017)

Last week, I was one of the panelists on discussions around Emerging Smart Cities in East Africa and my contributions were in the context of “Smart Cities – Health = Sick Citizens”. UN projects that 70% of world’s population will be urban by 2050, with many cities having more than 10 million inhabitants. Surging growth in demand for resources will

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Is Your Workplace Smart? (The Guardian: 15/08/2017)

With all the buzz around Smart Cities and Smart Buildings, isn’t it time we also start creating Smart Workplaces? So what exactly are Smart Workplaces and how do they relate to Workplace Wellness? A new report from CBRE Global Workforce identifies five demographic and social tends that are driving interest in Wellness in a Smart Workplace Trend 1: Employees are

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Is your Company Suffering from “I’m Too Busy” Syndrome (The Guardian: 01/08/2017)

The Busy Syndrome – or is it the 21st Century syndrome? Our go-to response to the question of how are you doing – “ I am so busy” is sometimes seen as a badge of honor. If everyone in your company is constantly saying “I’m busy”, take a step back for a moment and ask “Are we focusing on what

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