Health Costs

Is your Company Prepared for NCDs (The Guardian: 19/09/2017)

NCDs refer to physical or mental health condition that lasts for long period of time and causes functional restrictions or requires ongoing monitoring and treatment such as heart disease, high blood pressure, asthma, anemia, diabetes, arthritis, cancer and mood disorders, among many others What causes and contributes to NCDs? Lack of exercise – A minimum of 150 minutes of moderate

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Is Your Workplace Fit? (The Guardian -12/09/2017)

Companies institute wellness programs in the workplace based on their belief that such programs will improve employee health, reduce medical costs, increase productivity, and raise retention rates. But does your program design take into account employee attitudes regarding health and the workplace, the challenges they face in following healthy lifestyles, and the program options most likely to motivate positive change?

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Is Your Workplace Heart Healthy? (The Guardian : 05/09/2017)

World Heart Day takes place on 29 September every year with a focus on creating heart healthy environments and encouraging us all to reduce our cardiovascular risk and promote heart-health at home, work and play.   This is an excellent time to take a look at the effects of cardiovascular disease and what can be done to maintain healthy hearts. Specialists

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What has Health Got to DO with Smart Cities? (The Guardian : 29/08/2017)

Last week, I was one of the panelists on discussions around Emerging Smart Cities in East Africa and my contributions were in the context of “Smart Cities – Health = Sick Citizens”. UN projects that 70% of world’s population will be urban by 2050, with many cities having more than 10 million inhabitants. Surging growth in demand for resources will

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Hypertension – Are Your Employees at Risk? (The Guardian: 20/06/2017)

Hypertension – also known as high blood pressure – is a result of blood pushing vessel walls at a higher speed than normal. The heart’s job is to pump blood into arteries or blood vessels throughout the body. With high blood pressure, the heart works harder and causes arteries to harden, contributing to atherosclerosis and heart failure. Normal blood pressure

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Do You Have Your Program Design for Employee Wellness? (The Guardian – 13/06/2017)

Increasingly, companies in Tanzania are recognizing the need for Employee Wellness Programs by providing gym membership and some are monitoring gym attendance and subsidizing membership dues as a wellness initiative. This is a positive step indeed – however gym workout is only a small component of a wellness program when you consider the numerous health risks that a typical employee

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So What is Corporate (Workplace) Wellness? (The Guardian : 30/05/2017)

This article is inspired by a couple of recent encounters, where I was asked – “But what exactly is Corporate Wellness?” I am glad this question was asked, because it would be a shame if your organization missed out on all the benefits of Corporate Wellness Program. When you think about it, everyone is striving to be healthier. Trying to

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Are you managing your Employee Healthcare Expenses? (Published in the Guardian of 11/10/2016)

Health care costs have been steadily rising for the past four decades and present a major challenge to employers. As a result, executing strategies to contain escalating health care costs has become a business imperative for today’s companies. Four key strategies used by Employers to control costs are: Reduce the number of employees Eliminate expensive benefit plans in favor of

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The Power of Employee Well-Being (Published in The Guardian of 06/09/2016)

Employees are considered a company’s greatest asset and their health issues can dramatically affect the workplace. Employees who are not healthy have lower levels of productivity and higher health costs. According to the Corporate Wellness Magazine, every $1 invested in employee wellness programs yields roughly $4 in savings through reduced sick days, higher productivity and decreased overall health costs. With

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Economic Results of Non-Communicable Diseases (As published in The Guardian of 23/08/2016)

We recently launched our “Movement to Fitness” program with a cross section of participants from various organizations in the age range of 30 – 60. Fitness assessment conducted at the program onset, revealed a set of conditions such as impaired fat levels, overweight, obesity, hypertension, diabetes, asthma, knee pain, back pain…. Each participant has been provided with a walking/running plan

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