Discussing “Substance abuse and remedial actions” with Interact Club at HOPAC, Dar es Salaam

What an incredible experience speaking to Interact Club at the Heaven of Peace Academy – a group of really switched on young people who have internalized the true Rotary spirit, eager to help. we discussed what is drug abuse, how does one become addictive, what are drug personalities, what are the remedial measures and the issues around demand and supply.

There were a lot of well thought out questions and my favorite was “What alternative can we provide for income generation to the young drug dealers – since they are doing it for survival”?
Considering the issues around youth unemployment in Tanzania – Isn’t it time Rotarians and the business community comes together to answer this question posed by a young lady, eager to play her part in building a healthy, productive community?

Feedback from Agnes Mungati, Assistant Governor, Rotary District 9211 – “I am honoured to have attended this training which gave us a good background on what drugs are, how the cycle can be gotten into, the effects and ultimate problems arising from addiction. It was a huge learning curve for me too as I didn’t even realise we had all these drugs in Tanzania and how damaging. We absolutely need to educate all about the dangers of drug addiction and need for prevention…. this is our collective responsibility. This is indeed a real problem in our communities today. Thanks Bhakti I loved your interactive approach.”

Thank you Agnes for your positive feedback – let us work together to nurture our youth for a healthy, productive society.