Is Better Health Really a Waste of Time?

We received an overwhelming response to our last newsletter, where we introduced Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) as a major threat to Tanzanian companies.

The good news is that there are simple, cost-effective solutions available to prevent and control NCDs – starting with regular physical activity and a healthy diet.

Creating this change requires a wellness program that involve employees and change behavior for a healthier lifestyle. Only with employees truly onboard can the benefits of increased happiness, health and workplace productivity can be achieved.

The majority of the companies I have talked to, cite employee perceptions about wellness program as an unnecessary expense and a waste of time. It is therefore important to understand how to win employee support to change and how new habits develop.

In this issue I’ll look at how wellness coaching supports changing habits and we have a free download of Wellness Coaching Factsheet.

Stay tuned for our future editions with exciting topics on impact of lifestyle on workplaces and successful intervention strategies

Please reply back to me with your feedback and suggestions on what you would like to see covered in our future editions.