
Wellness Programs and Health Costs (The Guardian: 20/2/2018)

One of the main benefits of wellness in the workplace is to improve employee health. Employee wellness programs can help reduce health costs. Building a sustainable company requires making investments in the present that will hold for the future. Workplace wellness programs are an important way to invest in people. When employees feel their employees have invested in their wellbeing,

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How to Develop An Employee Wellness Challenge (The Guardian – 30/01/2018)

Workplace Wellness Challenges are activities that engage people in becoming happier, healthier and more energetic at work. Building a culture of wellness in the workplace takes time, but fun challenges can help engage employees and bring them together toward the common goal of the increased physical activity, healthy eating, manage stress and overall better health.   The purpose of such challenges

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AIDS-Free Generation (The Guardian : 05/12/2017)

Tanzania joined the world in commemorating the World Aids Day on 1st December as a way to unite to fight against the HIV/AIDS stigma, commemorate those who have lost the battle with AIDS, and show support for those living with the disease. The World Aids Day 2017 theme: “MY HEALTH, MY RIGHT”, resonates with everyone, regardless of who they are

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What is a Culture of Wellness (The Guardian : 28/11/2017)

Last week, at the 7th Annual HR Summit 2017, organized by the IRIS Executive Development Center in Bagamoyo, I presented “Wellness and Business Sustainability” and participated in a panel discussion on “What is Culture’? There were some very interesting insights and almost 50% of the organizations present shared that they have wellness initiative/s in place at various levels. While it

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Is Your Workplace Fit? (The Guardian -12/09/2017)

Companies institute wellness programs in the workplace based on their belief that such programs will improve employee health, reduce medical costs, increase productivity, and raise retention rates. But does your program design take into account employee attitudes regarding health and the workplace, the challenges they face in following healthy lifestyles, and the program options most likely to motivate positive change?

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Is Your Workplace Heart Healthy? (The Guardian : 05/09/2017)

World Heart Day takes place on 29 September every year with a focus on creating heart healthy environments and encouraging us all to reduce our cardiovascular risk and promote heart-health at home, work and play.   This is an excellent time to take a look at the effects of cardiovascular disease and what can be done to maintain healthy hearts. Specialists

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Women at Work (The Guardian : 18/07/2017)

According to a recent PEW Research Center analysis of labor statistics in 114 countries, women make up 40% of the workforce in more than 80 countries globally. Tanzania with 50.5% working women is amongst the top five countries with the highest female representation in the workforce. Why workplace wellness is vital to women According to a recent Mercer study titled

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Hypertension – Are Your Employees at Risk? (The Guardian: 20/06/2017)

Hypertension – also known as high blood pressure – is a result of blood pushing vessel walls at a higher speed than normal. The heart’s job is to pump blood into arteries or blood vessels throughout the body. With high blood pressure, the heart works harder and causes arteries to harden, contributing to atherosclerosis and heart failure. Normal blood pressure

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Do You Have Your Program Design for Employee Wellness? (The Guardian – 13/06/2017)

Increasingly, companies in Tanzania are recognizing the need for Employee Wellness Programs by providing gym membership and some are monitoring gym attendance and subsidizing membership dues as a wellness initiative. This is a positive step indeed – however gym workout is only a small component of a wellness program when you consider the numerous health risks that a typical employee

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