Why IBM Creates a Culture of Health

We have received great feedback to our 1st Newsletter -To quote Advocate Jean Paul – “I want to thank you for such informative insight on a very common killer that is almost ignored day in day out in this society. Even though, we know the danger and causes of this deadly disease, very little attention is paid to eradicate or avoid breathing the agents. More specifically our drainage system, trash accumulation, open sewage, etc etc. Thanks again and best of luck for spotlighting this very important issue.”

If you missed the ImpactAfya Webinar on the “Power of Employee Well-Being”, you can still download the slides.

The Webinar had international speakers from our partner organization Workplace Options with experts dialing in from Canada, South Africa and the US. The audience included Tanzanian corporates, Government offices, Academia, Aid organizations and even representation from Great Place to Work of the UK.

The panel discussed practical strategies to build a healthy and productive workforce and organization. A couple of very interesting questions were about approaches to transforming to a wellness culture and branding the wellness initiative within your organization. So we’ve focused our spot-light on the “Culture of Health” at IBM.

Stay tuned for our future editions with exciting topics on impact of lifestyle on workplaces and successful intervention strategies

Please reply back to me with your feedback and suggestions on what you would like to see covered in our future editions.